Dirty Mind

Dirty Mind

Dirty Mind

US LP pressing of his 1980 album. Warner. 2011.On this 1980 tour de force, Prince produced the template for most of his ’80s albums: a mixture of lust and longing, synth pop combined with gut bucket rock and roll. Although this was his third CD, Dirt

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3 Responses to Dirty Mind

  1. namepeace "namepeace" says:

    21 of 22 people found the following review helpful

    The LP that defines the Artist is indeed a classic., December 30, 1999

    By namepeace “namepeace” (Nashville, TN United States) –

    This review is from: Dirty Mind (Audio CD)

    “Dirty Mind” sets the tone for the rest of Prince’s unparalleled career. In fact, most people think it’s his first album. It might as well have been because, despite his impressive first 2 LP’s (For You and Prince), he really got recognized for the image he crafted through his music. But it’s the great music that makes this album endure, for it created the “Prince sound.”The minimalist approach to this LP is its hallmark. Stripped of all pretensions and indulgences,and centered around funk guitar and synths, it is one of the tightest — and raunchiest — Prince LP’s. What really makes this LP are 4 all-time classic Prince songs: the title track, the outstanding “When You Were Mine,” “Do It All Night,” and “Uptown.” They are the heart and soul of a great LP. Unfortunately, radio wasn’t as liberal as it is now, but I’d like to think this LP contributed to more adventurous music in all genres. If not for this album, would Madonna, 2 Live Crew, Nine Inch Nails, etc. even gotten radio play? Maybe not.This is an essential 80’s record, an essential Prince record, and an undisputed classic. Buy it.

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  2. Sean Zimmerman says:

    13 of 13 people found the following review helpful

    Masterpiece, November 29, 2005

    By Sean Zimmerman

    This review is from: Dirty Mind (Audio CD)

    Let’s face it… Prince’s albums up through Sign ‘O the Times are brilliant. Dirty Mind in particular ranks as one of his very best (some would say his very best). Unlike many pop albums this is not merely a collection of songs, i.e. some radio hits and a bunch of filler. This album works organically as a whole, i.e. each track is integral to the album. Every track is excellent and the production and sound is very stripped back and “raw”. This is pure pop/funk genius. Probably my favorite Prince album after Purple Rain and just above Controversy. Essential= Get it!

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  3. Andrew "Pirate Ninja" says:

    7 of 7 people found the following review helpful

    Perversion for the whole family!, March 30, 2006

    By Andrew “Pirate Ninja” (Massachusetts) –

    This review is from: Dirty Mind (Audio CD)

    Dirty Mind is, without a doubt, the best album the little guy has ever put out. A 40 minute tour de force, to the uneducated elitist it sounds like a mess of shallow lyrics and Casio keyboard demos. However, open your heart to the album and you’ll soon grow to love it and wonder why Prince doesn’t sing in falsetto more.It’s interesting that once of the most accessible and danceable albums I’ve ever heard is in fact an ode to perversion and just general sketchiness. With song topics from relations with his sister to coercing a virgin on her wedding day for fellatio, Prince is in full horn dog mode here, folks. However, the album seems to harness the power of that raging sexuality and put it to a beat, creating music that would be a guilty pleasure if it weren’t so darn good.Instantly shifting into gear, the album starts with the title track, a robotic funk workout that might be the greatest song Prince has ever recorded, if you ask me. Slowly building upon itself, the song develops into layers and layers of pounding synthesizer beats, Prince crooning every note in his highest voice possible. The two other highlights of the album are ‘Head’ and ‘When You Were Mine’, the former an infectious disco funk beat, the latter a new wave/bubblegum rocker.As Prince’s production values grew along with his fanbase, he will probably never record anything else like Dirty Mind. Almost brilliant in it’s minimalist nature, the album has a stripped down nature that no popoular musician would have the guts to make today. A short, yet sweet collection of 8 songs, it is essential that any fan of Prince, nay, fan of contemporary music in general has it in their collection.

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